Boris: Come on man. Let's make stuff!

A photo posted by Alcove Sculpture (@fibblets) on

Working on a prototype for a doll based off my Toto concept 🙂

A photo posted by Alcove Sculpture (@fibblets) on

A new casting…

I’ve been caught up in some unfortunate life events as of late, which have kept me from working. Things will hopefully calm down and resolve over the next few months and I will be able to get back to work proper again 😀

In the mean time, I was able to get a test cast of this guy done. The casting turned out great. There’s some tweaking to do still, but I’m happy with the result.


Man, look at that sloppy mold. Sigh. Hey, at least I forgot to add registration to it… nice!

Stitched skin light switch covers – Clearance!

Due to the way they were cast and depending on how your light switch was installed, the stitched skin light switch covers my not sit flush to the wall. I’ll get the fitment issue resolved with the next round. However, I am selling this round, as is, for a significantly reduced price. They’re now in the clearance section of my Etsy store.

Etsy store Clearance Section!


Today’s expensive lesson learned.

This falls under the very basic concept and practice of measure twice, cut once. I literally can not afford to make such costly mistakes when following through with good process would have prevented it!

In an effort to see the silver lining here, I did learn a few things:

Better late than never?

Finished with the sculpt. I’ll get him molded and cast next.

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Next item has a face

I’ve decided on a face for the next item I’m working on:


I should be able to start the sculpt tomorrow. I’ll post some WIP pics once I have something worth sharing 🙂

Stitched skin light switch covers up on the Etsy store!

I have two versions for this first round, a Zobmie skin version and a Fresh skin version… You wanna fresh one?

Available on my Etsy store:






If you’re going through Hell, keep going – plaques are up on the Etsy store!

The first run of the W. Churchill plaques are now available on the the Etsy store!

Going_thru_hell_plaque_Green_Warm Light_reduced

Etsy listing for green plaque


Etsy listing for Red plaque


Etsy listing for Purple plaque

First round of Switch plates almost done

Some touch up painting and clear coating then they will be available in the store!

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