Living the dream

Real life “stuff” in 2023 has forced me to take an honest look at the amount of time I have available to run Alcove. It breaks my heart, but I can only dedicate a small portion of my time going forward. However, Alcove is an important part of my life and the realization of a lifelong dream, so I will not be shutting down. 

We have our artist table for Lilac City ComiCon and will be attending this year. The remainder of the year, as far as Alcove is concerned, will be an opportunity for catching up and preparing for 2025. Once we’ve worked out a manageable schedule that incorporates Alcove, work, health, etc, our intention is to attend Lilac City ComiCon ( and Halloween X-SPO ( every year. They’re fun and have been good to us. We look forward to them every year (Thank you Nathan).

While this is all a bit painful for me, that’s life sometimes. Anxiety and depression make change very difficult, but change is necessary at different points in this existence. As long as there are positives to be gained and improved quality of life for my loved ones, and myself, that’s all that matters. And is reason enough to keep moving forward.

I will always innovate and push myself in an attempt to gain experience and knowledge. I’m constantly making sketches and notes on different ideas for Alcove. This will never stop. I intend to pursue work on larger one of a kind pieces. I have lots of ideas, thoughts, and plans for the future. We’ll see how it all unfolds.

Happy birthday Bela 🦇

Halloweenxspo haul!

Rob Torno

Ron Torno

Shannon Potratz

Shannon Potratz

Kitara Gotham

Kitara Gotham

Kitara Gotham

Lahela Designs

A Tiny Glitch

Empty shelves 😢

We’re selling out of everything here at Halloweenxspo 😯

Day 2 at Halloweenxspo ❤️💀🎃🦇👻

He’d go to Halloweenxspo tomorrow and buy Alcove stuff!

A wreath of Bobs 🤣

Halloween X-Spo this weekend!

Happy with how the new magnets turned out 😁

Halloween X-Spo this weekend!

My Precious 0_0

Halloween X-Spo this weekend!

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